Medical Waste Incinerator 100 kg \ hr Capacity
*The incinerator is designed for combusting hazardous waste of health facilities such as hospitals , clinics and medical laboratories with combustion average of 100 kg \ hr efficiently and cleanly and the percentage of the remaining ashes from combustion is not more than 5 % of the fire load .
*The resulting gases from combustion are treated using limestone and charcoal through a dry gas treatment unit .
*The resulting emissions compatible with the laws and instructions of the Minstry of Health and population and Environmental Affairs Agency .
1- One waste combustion chamber with 850 °c
. 2- A waste gas post-combustion chamber with 1200 °c.
3- One switch box providing a complete combustion cycle.
4- Chimney height 8m.
The factory delivered (37) incinerators to the Ministry of Health and Population distributed over (13) governorates and (11) incinerators to the Ministry of Higher Education